Time had just passed like a laser. It went off from my sight just before I realize it.
It's been a month having my sweet time in skuee archi office (well, comfortable office that i can actually have my big table :D ). Busy the days with local bungalow projects. Well, i would say it was a good experience. Differs with the pervious firm, this time i could actually work closer with clients and see how difficult it is to fulfill all their requirements, n of course, money issue for all time.
The office is a nice place to work. make friends. n facebooking :P
Thanks for my lady boss, shyuan who had given her patience, not to mention the opportunity for me to handle a project from scratch. I'm totally grateful for everything. There were several times that i actually stressed out due to my dumbness in detailing n drafting. But i believed these are important for me to get better next time. We will see then :)
Lastly, thanks my bosses for the mini farewell in secret recipe. God bless skuee design in the future. n ya for IOSC too of course :)

well then, i will still contributing to skuee after this. Hope everything works well. :)