As so, waking up like 6am.. with like dont feel like waking up mood, kinda mess up n rush to the bus stop cos it's jam everywhere. In this morning i afraid it's like long queue..
Luckily i still managed to catch up the bus. Unfortunately bad things happened next. Who knows the PlusLiner bus can be stopped at the roadside because it's broken down. Wat The Heck??? N then, the driver ask us to join the coming bus which is Transnasional? It sounds crazy haha. It's like giving them business.
As so i was late to reach kl, but actually is duta. about 10.30 im at Duta Bus Station, looking for taxi n had my breakfast there.
It takes 20mins to reach LCS the Taylors PJ Campus. I was sweat like hell because my whole attire is black. As im virgin to LCS, i m not familiar with the blocks n keep making mistakes. So ended up 11.45am reach the office that i should go. After filling up some forms, Ms.Khoo invited me to a meeting room n that's where the interview get started. I was interviewed by a man who is incharge. He asked me questions like how it should be.
Luckily he is kinda frenly. But since is my first time to have interview for scholarship, i got little bit nervous till i cant really answer some questions well. yet, he is like adding some words to me at the end of the interview. Overall, it's well done. Everything about the scholarship is settled down. Now just wait for the call from them.
After that, i went into the office downstairs to enrol for architecture. Lotsha time spent in there to fill in forms, do short test from PAM n discussing about the accomodation. At the end, im ended up staying in Mentari Court. I hope it's temporaily, however, the school will be moving to lakside campus on april-may.
After all the tiring stuff, it's time to resst. Since i was alone, i take my lunch at Sushi king in suway pyramid in instant. The food there r.. a O-M-G. Imagine it. The sushi king here is now fulled with malay workers, even the sushi maker r all malay ladies. No offense, but the sushi they made r not that delicious. I ate Hatate Cheese n the slide of cheese pilled off from the sushi one. O-M-G
Hatate Cheese which is..
Another Hatate with a weird bread
After that, did some light shopping.. I bought a nice sweater from Topshop. It's kinda expensive but i love it helly much! haaha..
After that, took a cab again to HELP to find fiishey. So funny that, the taxi counter ppl dunno where isit until a more experienced man came n tell them. Another O-M-G for them .. When i reached there, fiishey drives her new CIVIC to pick me up. Really nice n big wei. It's such an gift to have that at our age .. fiish must appreciate yea.. I wish i could have my very own car some day.. even a Myvi im ok.. haha
So we went in KL Sentral n sat down at DunKinsDonut to have a lite chat. WE chat alot n we compared college n uni life. it's better to be in college life we said, n we're missing it alot ~~~ We chat about relationship thingy too.. Cant be revealed here **
Photo taken by the frenly owner of the shop in KL Sentral.
So the train had come about 6.10pm which should be 6pm. said BB to fiish n KL. Heading back ipoh with two eyes opened. Cant sleep after drinking coffee in DunkinsDonut..
That's the KTM station in Ipoh in case u wanna know how it looks ^^
It's like 9pm when i reached Ipoh. N back home like 11pm.. ate dinner with dad n went here n there.. tired day though..
Last wish, hope i can get the 50% scholarship la ^^
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