Like any other day, I was browsing through my Facebook feed in the morning while I was waiting the traffic. Until I saw Jun Xian's post about how he appreciated Lik as his most important pal in his life with an ending of 'RIP'. At first I thought it was just a joke ( as Lik was known to hack his friends account for fun), ended up it was indeed something real.
Other of Lik's close buddies ( we have many mutual friends) started to pay their condolences to him. Many had shared the media news of what happened to him and how he was stucked in his car with fire. The whole scene was surreal. It was something we would never imagined happen to anyone around us having caught in such terribly case. It made us feel deeply emotional.
I know Lik probably dated back to primary school time in Sam Tet. He was known to be really smart ( always in the first or second class), a little naughty, and make a lot of friends around the school. We probably know each other but we do not consider each other as a friend. In high school, we've known Lik as again in the smart boy category, with extra talents in art and dance. He hanged out with cool buddies, played basketball, and formed some breakdancing group at school. In fact, we knew him as the 'super cool guy' and pretty popular among the girls. He got the brain, the look and the style in all. Then, we continued to become schoolmates during A-Levels in Taylor's College and architecture. But somehow we never get closed even though we've such coincidence and known each other for quite some time.
I always remember Lik as someone who is charismatic of whatever he does, he always in style. He cares about his brothers (friends) very much, not to mention to his girlfriend. As an elder brother, we can always see his posts in social media, showering loves and accreditation to his sisters' and parents. His public persona was very sociable, well traveled, and indeed intellectual. Even though he stopped his architecture study half-way, but I admired his decision as he could always take actions on things he believed in, and had the guts to make his life as how he wanted it to be.
Amazingly, his aura continues while bringing us together again, even though it shouldn't be the way to gather his friends and family. Many of us started to recall the fond memories we had with him, and cherished those precious flashbacks with emotions. I wish his family could be strong while going through this difficult moment. And you'll be in heaven and blessed with love and happiness.
Rest in Peace Lik.
With love