1. 我的大名:YEAN TUCK (Big enough?)
2. 我的生日:19/05
3. 誰傳給你的:Big Small Lady.. woooo... not big nor small.. wuaha
4. 說出五個好朋友:SengLoon, Sui Wai, Chee Yi, Fiishey, Cai Ching,
5. 生日想要得到什麼禮物:Watch and sun glasses
6. 近期開心的是:OKTUCK MALL
7. 近期壓力大的是: A2 exams
8. 未來想做什麼:Architect? Pop star? and Pretty Ladies dream man? All of the above
9. 有沒有喜歡的人:NO MORE!!!!
10. 同學會要回去找老師嗎:Err.. not all teachers though.
11. 跟誰出去最幸福:My aiya brother
12. 如果你的兩個好友吵架了:I Dont care, i cant intervent.
13. 跟情人出去最想去哪:Bali
14. 聖誕節要做啥:Caroling! Ooo i love it
15. 最想跟誰過聖誕節:Santa Claus !
16. 有沒有起床气:got. serious one
17. 有幾個兄弟姐妹: 2 el sisters n 2 ynger brothers
18. 最喜歡的一首歌(女生的):Single Ladies HAHA.. and put your hands up!!
19. 最喜歡的一首歌(男生的):Wo De Hui Yi Bu Shi Wo De
20. 喜歡什麼顏色: White
21. 上廁所會不會先沖水:It depends got SHIT inside onot
22. 愛不愛我: Qi Xin gah?
23. 喜歡男生還是女生:Both
24. 最想大聲說什麼:I want DESTRESS!!!!
25. 半夜敢不敢自己上廁所:Is a YES
26. 上廁所會不會脫褲褲:Qi Xin gah?
27. 誰很欠打:Someone i scolded recently
28. 現在很迷什麼:Seiko Watch! HAHA
29. 睡相很差:Abit.. very sexy
30. 現在的時間:5.55pm
31. 是否痛恨傳給你點卷的人:No ah. She's qute
32. 體重多少: 60kg? long time didnt measure already
33. 今天天氣:Cloudy with the chance of meatballs
34. 你懷孕了嗎:Qin Xin gah?
35. 你若中樂透最想做什么:Volkswagen/Prosche !!!!!!!!!
36. 大學生一定要玩的活動:Fall In Love
37. 如果能為彩虹添加一種顏色: Coffee Colour
38. 你覺得自己性格怎樣:Cool and fun
Weng Fai
Ming Fei
cincai anyone else they like
October 28, 2009
War is ON - DEFEATED 01
Finally! The war is on!!!
Today was my 1st paper in A2. Kinda satisfied dor.. but the ans didnt double check la.. but thank god i managed to finish all questions ^^
Well.. next week gonna be econs paper 2 AGAIN. Which i have failed on AS to get an A. I need to get high marks now!
Hope everything can be done according to plan.. Tomorow will have 2hours A2 econs tuition again.. sigh.. stress stress stress
Bring it on.. A2.. NAH!!!!
Today was my 1st paper in A2. Kinda satisfied dor.. but the ans didnt double check la.. but thank god i managed to finish all questions ^^
Well.. next week gonna be econs paper 2 AGAIN. Which i have failed on AS to get an A. I need to get high marks now!
Hope everything can be done according to plan.. Tomorow will have 2hours A2 econs tuition again.. sigh.. stress stress stress
Bring it on.. A2.. NAH!!!!
October 26, 2009
What a long time after the last post .. haha guys finally im here.
Gosh. Is been a long way self-preparation for the A2 exams. Everyone is nerd-ing at home, library, room, mcdonalds and so on. Im one of the nerd studying long way in the room.
Well, preparations seem not enough though. Lacking of time n diciplines. I had already planned myself well right after the last day of college. But, process seems to be kinda slow n unsteady.
Probably affected by several reasons. 1st, my condition of health i supposed.
It was way too painful when u see ur arms, body and other parts of the body covered with some rashes. Body temperature gone high sometimes stimulated from sore throat. Baby body is struggling with lacking of loves. Haha
2nd was my problem with family.
This is not really a problem, perhaps. 50% 50% for problem n motivations
frankly, last saturday was my most.. sad feelings ever. My mum called me at night and try to talk with me. But, i was stressed with maths n econs that time, when comes to something i was overheated like a mad cow. As so, i raised my voice to her until she..................... cried.
Right after i heard that. I was like.. broken heart. I don't know i can be such rude to her until she was so sad. I hate myself. After she said stop conversation sadly, i cried like mad. I cried because i cant believe myself i did something like tat to her. I cant forgive myself of being not understanding. I hate Leong Yean Tuck.
Well, i sms her to say sorry and tell her, this is actually our problem too. Something like this could happen just because we do not know each other well, i begged she never understand me in full as a 19 year old kid wants. She always put her pov on me but never apply to the real practice as a whole. Maybe she still eager to protect me from the community itself, whether the hurricanes or the volcanos. THIS IS WHAT A MOTHER SHOULD DO, BUT, OVERDOING WILL LEAD TO FAILURE. I always tell her about this.
Mum.. yeap i dont undestand u either. I dont know whats in your mind everytime u r telling me all the things u want, i do not know what makes the best for u. Everytime u nag me i was way too bored to hear that. I think u r obsolute and keep urself busy everytime. I dont understand why people's mum can be different as you. Dedicated too much in the housework, forgoten all the stuff that u should really do. I want you to be more relax, entertain urself better, dont always be too stressed and sleep late. You seems to keep the style you want and reject any suggestion. Im your son, im not your boss. I dont need you to clean my room, wash my clothes and take k everything of me ONLY. I want you to be happy and live more as for yourself too. Go salon, Go shopping, Go facial, Go gym, Go experience.
Mum.. sorry to be too straight on you. I just want you to know what im thinking this years, just to make life better. Mum, please, understand me. Vice versa
Sadness nite, i grown. I dont think i should be so straight to people instead keeping some proportion to be secret. Win Win situation looks better though.
Yet, to pay my apology. Im now taking vegetarian hoping God will forgive my mistakes.
A long way war is going to start this coming Wednesday. Despite all the unanticipated events, i still need to win the war. Breaking news: Lan n Wen Sheng is going to deferr eventhough A2 is still not started yet. I was shocked. She told me: I rather wasted 900 bucks than taking exams uncofidently.
Salute. This is what im thinking too. But i dont dare to waste another few Ks just because of my problems. Life still have to go on. I DONT CARE
Gosh. Is been a long way self-preparation for the A2 exams. Everyone is nerd-ing at home, library, room, mcdonalds and so on. Im one of the nerd studying long way in the room.
Well, preparations seem not enough though. Lacking of time n diciplines. I had already planned myself well right after the last day of college. But, process seems to be kinda slow n unsteady.
Probably affected by several reasons. 1st, my condition of health i supposed.
It was way too painful when u see ur arms, body and other parts of the body covered with some rashes. Body temperature gone high sometimes stimulated from sore throat. Baby body is struggling with lacking of loves. Haha
2nd was my problem with family.
This is not really a problem, perhaps. 50% 50% for problem n motivations
frankly, last saturday was my most.. sad feelings ever. My mum called me at night and try to talk with me. But, i was stressed with maths n econs that time, when comes to something i was overheated like a mad cow. As so, i raised my voice to her until she..................... cried.
Right after i heard that. I was like.. broken heart. I don't know i can be such rude to her until she was so sad. I hate myself. After she said stop conversation sadly, i cried like mad. I cried because i cant believe myself i did something like tat to her. I cant forgive myself of being not understanding. I hate Leong Yean Tuck.
Well, i sms her to say sorry and tell her, this is actually our problem too. Something like this could happen just because we do not know each other well, i begged she never understand me in full as a 19 year old kid wants. She always put her pov on me but never apply to the real practice as a whole. Maybe she still eager to protect me from the community itself, whether the hurricanes or the volcanos. THIS IS WHAT A MOTHER SHOULD DO, BUT, OVERDOING WILL LEAD TO FAILURE. I always tell her about this.
Mum.. yeap i dont undestand u either. I dont know whats in your mind everytime u r telling me all the things u want, i do not know what makes the best for u. Everytime u nag me i was way too bored to hear that. I think u r obsolute and keep urself busy everytime. I dont understand why people's mum can be different as you. Dedicated too much in the housework, forgoten all the stuff that u should really do. I want you to be more relax, entertain urself better, dont always be too stressed and sleep late. You seems to keep the style you want and reject any suggestion. Im your son, im not your boss. I dont need you to clean my room, wash my clothes and take k everything of me ONLY. I want you to be happy and live more as for yourself too. Go salon, Go shopping, Go facial, Go gym, Go experience.
Mum.. sorry to be too straight on you. I just want you to know what im thinking this years, just to make life better. Mum, please, understand me. Vice versa
Sadness nite, i grown. I dont think i should be so straight to people instead keeping some proportion to be secret. Win Win situation looks better though.
Yet, to pay my apology. Im now taking vegetarian hoping God will forgive my mistakes.
A long way war is going to start this coming Wednesday. Despite all the unanticipated events, i still need to win the war. Breaking news: Lan n Wen Sheng is going to deferr eventhough A2 is still not started yet. I was shocked. She told me: I rather wasted 900 bucks than taking exams uncofidently.
Salute. This is what im thinking too. But i dont dare to waste another few Ks just because of my problems. Life still have to go on. I DONT CARE
October 05, 2009
Gosh~ is the last week of class in school already. Which means A2 the final exams is just in front of my eye lashes. So now im busy preparing for the war, fight to win win and win
Didnt expect im uploading the blog here in library. Due to the stupid idiotic internet here i cant check my past year paper's answers immediately. I have to go back now and borrow someone's lappie and check it. As so. Im going back home in mins. Haha. Back earlier already.
Also, today missed the gym-ing sections due to the heavy work delegated by Mohan. I feel so, miserable for myself that AS econs still havent touch anything yet. The notes is still hiding somewhere in my stuffy room. Sucks man..
Shit.. now is only exams in my mind but no other stuff. Perhaps, i still hoping to destress by going sunway to have a nice movie during weekend? Yea right im still craving for movies. Hehe..
Day 1 is a slow preparation. Tuck get it move!
I M BUSY >.<
Didnt expect im uploading the blog here in library. Due to the stupid idiotic internet here i cant check my past year paper's answers immediately. I have to go back now and borrow someone's lappie and check it. As so. Im going back home in mins. Haha. Back earlier already.
Also, today missed the gym-ing sections due to the heavy work delegated by Mohan. I feel so, miserable for myself that AS econs still havent touch anything yet. The notes is still hiding somewhere in my stuffy room. Sucks man..
Shit.. now is only exams in my mind but no other stuff. Perhaps, i still hoping to destress by going sunway to have a nice movie during weekend? Yea right im still craving for movies. Hehe..
Day 1 is a slow preparation. Tuck get it move!
I M BUSY >.<
October 04, 2009
傍晚已来临 又是要说回去的话
他们的改变 对我是有着一 股影响的力量
你,你 还有你
他们的改变 对我是有着一 股影响的力量
你,你 还有你
October 03, 2009

Malaysia is listed in the same category but above countries like the United Arab Emirates, Philippines, Pakistan, Morocco, Vietnam and Indonesia. China, Malta, Brazil and Thailand are among countries just ahead of Malaysia in broadband quality but still in the same low category.
Countries like Singapore, Britain, Australia, Spain, Turkey and the Ukraine were listed above Malaysia as having Internet speeds “meeting needs of today’s applications.”
Switzerland, the United States, Russia, Taiwan and Hong Kong “comfortably enjoy today’s applications. Crucially, Korea, Japan, Sweden, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Netherlands, Denmark and Romania were identified as countries with broadband speeds that were “ready for tomorrow.”
adapted from The Malaysian Insider feat. Erlina Soo's blog
October 02, 2009
Try to make myself healthier, buffer, greater skin or even destressed by just sitting inside the steam room for like 15mins! What a great things to do man. Just sit down and let the humid room sweats you to achieve ur goals. Enjoy reading it!
.Adapted from FairCare
You`re Steamin`, Baby!
The Turks and Romans were the first people to use steam treatments. They provide heat and humidity. It uses wet heat, which makes it a great choice for anyone with dry skin. Studies have shown that regular steaming can decrease stress, rid the body of toxins and increase circulation. Steam rooms can also relieve sore throats by moistening the air. Additionally, the steam room can alleviate congestion of the upper respiratory mucus membranes. For courtesy, remember to lie on a towel when using a steam room. Most steam rooms work on their own cycles. Although many people try to speed up the steam cycle by throwing water on the controls, this is not advisable. Quite often, this can make the room unbearably hot. To avoid losing steam, you should also remember to close the door securely when entering and leaving the steam room.
Some Like it Hot and Dry
The Finnish sauna dates back to the year 1112. Research tells us that it was dug into an embankment in the ground. Centuries later, saunas were built above ground with wooden logs and rocks, which were heated in a stone stove until they were hot. Some researchers say that saunas can stimulate the production of the body`s natural painkillers, such as beta-endorphins and norepinephrine.
Steam and Sauna Safety Tips
· Avoid alcohol prior to steam or sauna us. Alcohol works as a depressant. Since it causes the blood to move slowly and the nerve endings to shut down, it counteracts the benefits of the steam and sauna.
· Older people need to avoid or limit their time in the steam room or the sauna.
· People with heart ailments or respiratory diseases should avoid the steam room or the sauna
· If you experience dizziness, problems with breathing, leave the steam room or sauna immediately.
· Drink water before and after steam room and sauna use.
Steam and Sauna Beauty Treatments
Most hair, skin, facial, hand and foot treatments can be enhanced in the sauna or steam room. Once again, for the sake of courtesy, avoid heavily scented products, and be sure to cover areas that might leak. If you are conditioning your hair in the sauna or steam, cover your head with a plastic shower cap. You can use manicure gloves or pedicure socks for sauna and steam hand or foot treatments. Keep in mind that if your hair tends to be slightly oily, to avoid "overkill," it behooves you to limit your heat treatment to five minutes. After you finish, a cold shower will close up your pores and add shine and body to your hair. If you have access to some ice, it will help give your skin a rosy glow!
.Adapted from FairCare
You`re Steamin`, Baby!
The Turks and Romans were the first people to use steam treatments. They provide heat and humidity. It uses wet heat, which makes it a great choice for anyone with dry skin. Studies have shown that regular steaming can decrease stress, rid the body of toxins and increase circulation. Steam rooms can also relieve sore throats by moistening the air. Additionally, the steam room can alleviate congestion of the upper respiratory mucus membranes. For courtesy, remember to lie on a towel when using a steam room. Most steam rooms work on their own cycles. Although many people try to speed up the steam cycle by throwing water on the controls, this is not advisable. Quite often, this can make the room unbearably hot. To avoid losing steam, you should also remember to close the door securely when entering and leaving the steam room.
Some Like it Hot and Dry
The Finnish sauna dates back to the year 1112. Research tells us that it was dug into an embankment in the ground. Centuries later, saunas were built above ground with wooden logs and rocks, which were heated in a stone stove until they were hot. Some researchers say that saunas can stimulate the production of the body`s natural painkillers, such as beta-endorphins and norepinephrine.
Steam and Sauna Safety Tips
· Avoid alcohol prior to steam or sauna us. Alcohol works as a depressant. Since it causes the blood to move slowly and the nerve endings to shut down, it counteracts the benefits of the steam and sauna.
· Older people need to avoid or limit their time in the steam room or the sauna.
· People with heart ailments or respiratory diseases should avoid the steam room or the sauna
· If you experience dizziness, problems with breathing, leave the steam room or sauna immediately.
· Drink water before and after steam room and sauna use.
Steam and Sauna Beauty Treatments
Most hair, skin, facial, hand and foot treatments can be enhanced in the sauna or steam room. Once again, for the sake of courtesy, avoid heavily scented products, and be sure to cover areas that might leak. If you are conditioning your hair in the sauna or steam, cover your head with a plastic shower cap. You can use manicure gloves or pedicure socks for sauna and steam hand or foot treatments. Keep in mind that if your hair tends to be slightly oily, to avoid "overkill," it behooves you to limit your heat treatment to five minutes. After you finish, a cold shower will close up your pores and add shine and body to your hair. If you have access to some ice, it will help give your skin a rosy glow!
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