It was a super disappointing day since there were so many people didnt make it to the lunch we planned for DeokSoo. This was the 1st class outing and may be the last too. But still quite number of classmates couldn't it. Super sad
Well, at last, Leeseul, Da un, Hueyching, me, Wenda, Wenda's girl, and Deoksoo. Sweet yee was intially going but ended up not going oso. Sad..Despite all the sadness, yet is still quite a nice lunch with them. Yea 1st time, feel that there is no boundaries with the Koreans, we gossips a lot and talk till so high and laugh like mad.
I am a Delicious Virgin. Haha, that place was awesome. The interior design of the restaurant is so damn nice. Dunno why, we all take pasta there haha. Almost everyone eating the same thing. And oso, majority taking coke duno why. But for me im taking Coffee shake. Not really that nice as expected oso.
Oyea.. wanna say sorry to DeokSoo and LeeSeul. Sorry Deoksoo for coming late, and made him waited for 40mins. Worse, Leeseul who reach Delicious at 12.30pm, but went to another delicious(wrong place). We cant do anything since Wenda had a minor accident in midvalley so we couldnt make it on time. Sorry guys.
Back to back, i was quite disppointing about someone. Just so, arhh dunno what to say, not even to give me a confirmation. Dunno lah, it's all over, i dont care. Just do what they like to do lah. At least DeokSoo is happy with the lunch and chat like mad as well. haha.. maybe fewer people, more topics. wuahaha
Oh well.. here are some pictures for the day:
My pasta*
It's a light putting inside a white bird cage. Nice man

Attended peeps* oops Da Un went earlier so didnt take pic
'Hyeong'~ Take k in Korea!
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