Yet till now they are still at KL. Im alone for 2 nites. Lol
It's a lovely day indeed. The feel is like, an adult who owns his own house and cars. Haha. But it's kinda too big and quiet.
Today whole day fulled with sleepiness. Was awake about 11am, then went back sleeping until .. 5pm!
HAHA! I cant believe it too. 1st i thought they r coming back arround that time, as so quickly clean up room n living room before getting scolded. haha.
I had my breakfast with bread, n Korean instant mee with luncheon meat for lunch.
Freaking boring n doesnt feel like going out. Stayed in the house watched District-9.
It was a freaking nice movie.
The Korean Ramen (mild)
Well.. emptiness makes me think. I think alot today. Mostly about the future and oso, about myself. Frens instead, it's all complicating. People arround me started making me feel pressured. As in, sort of losing confidence. Ok i admited that.
Im feeling unconfident. It's all about the way it differentiate me with my frens. What they could have while im lacking of it. It's isnt should be that way. *I Think*
LIFE IS AMAZED with these. Im so scared but i dont show it out. Bla.. bla.. bla.. how damn i wish i could live simpler than these. SIMPLY THE BETTER, life is great to be simple n oso, no competition.
Yea.. yea.. full of words. This is me when i m alone in the big house doing nothing. No even 1 SMS today @.@
The expensive dinner!
Haha.. So tomorow is Monday. Kinda 'back to work' feeling. Just had my delivery Pizza. it's freaking expensive! Rm33.80 containing coslaw, regular pizza, 4 sticks n 2 pepsi. Oh my.. shouldnt have any more cheaper than these?
It's almose 2am. tic tok tic tok.. gonna watch Painted Skin
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