So finally i got some time to update my blog! Well im glad to see alot of you guys do update my blog frequently, which is awesome! Thanks for doing this and i promised to make the blog as interesting as possible!
Well, yesterday was a big messy day. So in the early morning is the submission for computer application portfolio layout. 3pages, in A3 size. I Think i did a good job anywhere. It was smooth from designing to printing, to submission. Everything is done according to plan :)
After that, i was rushing to Subang Jaya for another submission on next day. I went SS15 by cab, reached about 12.30pm and start finishing my cool art in Snogurt (a new yogurt shop in 15).
U know what, doing photoshop in A1 size is troublesome! Not only lag, but it's retarding the laptop. Everytime when i want to save the file, it takes about 10mins. So shity right!?
Well it took me long time to brush up everything nicely. Right until 6pm, i left Snogurt and went to the shop nearby to print out the A1 poster. The disaster started from here:
Well, my work which is in JPEG format can be opened in their desktop there. But who knows, there CANT proceed the printing option!! So fcuked-up. They try n try until half an hour gone, and still they failed. I was so angry n i left the shop without saying a word. I continue to search around the area but i couldnt get any shop which is better than them. I was so nervous. The clock strikes 6.45pm, i have no choice but go back to the same shop, n tell them im gonna minimize the size of my work and ask them to try again. Coincidently met Lily at Salmon Steak.
After trying to minimize it like 4times. It still fails. I m so gonna cry in the shop at that time you know. PANIC! After that, Lily asked me try to do it in PDF file. So i did that again. But still, it cant be print! I was praying and praying to get help from God. Lily said if still cannot, PRINTSCREEN it. HAHA. Now when i think back it was so hilarious.
God lends His help to me. Suddenly the shop w
orker said he made it to PRINT! I was so happy that time! All my sweats gone back to the skin pores, and the salivas finally can go thru my esophagus. He use his photoshop to help me printed it out. N he said: Boy, ur file is A0 size, i help you to reize it already. Aaah what? Im so dumb!
Finally. FINALLY! I was so happy that i have made it and it came out a nice piece of work. touched! I wanna thank Lily for her encouragement, support, and accompany. Luckily i got her as fren to fight with me in the printing shop!Everything is done about 8pm. Freaking late. Haha. We went Salmon Steak with the satisfaction we got for dinner. yea the Recycled food restaurant. Haha. Then went back by taxi after sending her home.

that's the troublesome cool art, aiyo...(shrink to fit)
N then,something hilarious again:
I met this superb Taxi Driver, so called UNCLE MIKE which is so talktive, funny and friendly. He was also from IPOH! haha. Kinda like my dad's age already. N a father of a girl. Guess what? He showed me some photo albums, which consist photos he took with all his closed customers(student) that he had before, n written down all their names and stuff! I WAS STUNNED! haha.. N also, he showed me his notebook consist of all the bookings and contact number of students. I think this guy is awesome. He got his way to enjoy his work, also to gain business and friendship. Salute! N he knows everything about college!
Nice meeting with him. N the rate is super cheap. From Carefour to Lakeside is only RM8!
After that. I went to Bread story of Lakeside Campus to buy some supper. Then, another friendly aunty talked to me. She is the cashier, chating with me like a friend. haha. She is cute :D
Well, after all this happening, I think today is a day to be remembered, yet to be blog. From relaxing(morning)-->hardcoring(afternoon)-->panic(6:30pm)--> extreme happiness(8pm) -->relaxing(night). What a day right?
This is university life man!