This sem nobody is going away, defer, etc. Neither one of the teacher is leaving too. It was a surprise when i heard Mrs Brooke had left the school. I was wondering why. Well, she is datin, she do not need the job to be rich either. Haha.. i begged she will miss the Asia Cafe food very much. 1st lesson with Ms Sujata. I missed her voice and her writing la hehe. N the cold cold condition in the classroom.. She always want the air cond to be very low temp until we all like frozen. Anyway, she is the best teacher so far in taylors i think, n too bad she is not our new mentor. Guess who? Is Ms Tee! The superb speed maths teacher which always clicking to next slide before we can finish copying the current slide in power point. Haha, but she is not that bad la. At least, she noe hw to teach like a teacher.
Well, meeting xiao bai today. Haha with da bai. The xiao bai grew alot. She was lucky that the da bai is buying her some 'nutrients' to grow. Hopefully, next time blackie can has this opportunity from me too. hehe.
After the school, i went to library to put my stuff in the locker and start printing all the new notes. Unexpectingly, i heard the news from deok soo that he broke up with suzhi already. WHY? He said is complicated. But this is too fast. Cant imagine their relationship is so fragile.. mm.. hope u can find a better girl la bro. Dont be sad la.
Continue the day with the volleyball kakis. 1st time went to the MPSJ court with them. N is so .. windy. After warming up then start digging. Then play some games until 6pm. Nice games until both of my hands gone red like pig hand. N im lack of water sommore.. is so painful man..
Took a warm syok bath.
Then met with Joyce and Lydia for dinner. We went Take A Break. N then saw an overfriendly indonesian waitress there. She is so friendly until wanna take pictures with us. Mm excuse me, do i noe u? Haha, she say me malu wo. Zadou lo! HAHA.. after the picture she said me lucu sommore.. lol. Qute. I had a taiwanese minced pork rice over there. Not that bad as i thought. at least is not expensive. muahaha.
Phew.. sem3 started. Lets rock and roll!
oi dumb, ur new layout rox man! :)
how u got it?
anyway..happy school re-opening lol
haha..ur new layout become birdie..~~ mrs brooke LEFT?!!!!
2 Yuan
lol.. u can do it too. Visit
2 Lydia
Yeah she left. retired i think
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