May 21, 2013


This is a project which was kicked-off on March 2012. It is now constructing, currently at the stage of ID and lighting proposal.

2012 concept
2012 final design


Some say that designing a bungalow is torturing and long process to complete. Where you need to do endless changing, convincing clients, and worst is that you get small amount of pay. Guess they were right. People just don't know what they want, want the best but pay the least. That's the true story behind every bungalow projects.
visit for more

all copyrights reserved 

May 20, 2013


18 and 19 May of 2013, the meaningful coincidence of happiness just taken its part of my life. The days that full of great joy; where people were sending their greetings and wishes to me, waterfall posts on facebook wall and numerous sms from friends and relatives. A big thank you to all of you once again.

my degree convocation was really exciting. A grand, big and memorable event that may not happened to everyone, I'm glad that i had one. Looking at mum's and dad's delightful joy just made everything even more meaningful. Standing tall, wearing convocation robe and hat, went up on stage and shake hands with Counsellor, i hope I have made them proud. 

Somehow, i metaphor myself as an investment, something equivalent to a share or a bond. Dad invested his money on me, and he got his first dividend that day. Of course, it was a dear investment and time consuming shit. Dragging yet non-guaranteed success. But dad n mum still trusted me and putting faith on me, and be my long term shareholders. I'm a lucky boy, like i could own the world and excel to the universe, which the energy sources are installed with bottomless loves. Mum, Dad, u both deserved everything from me. 

Next, they are my friends that really worth mentioning here. Those who had come to share the joyful moment, despite the fact of distance, time and killing hot weather. Deric offered his accommodation, n celebrated my birthday eve with a bucket of beers n a piece of roti canai. Piyao made herself appeared in my convo even though she had to take a taxi. She offered to be my photographer right up to i have returned my robe and certificate. Christina and Kevinder showed up to surprise me, together we chat a lot and had lunch. Chee Yi, paying her returns from my visit to her convo with 2 presents, spreading her positive aura to me like she always do. Unfortunately, some of my important friends and bros couldn't make it. It was a little disappointed though.

Classmates were looking real good, each and everyone one of them. Everyone was smartly dressed, sharing their big day with family and friends. Guess that's what is all about, and it was certainly something we would love to see. It may be the last time we see and talk to each other, which we called ourselves as Taylorians. Too bad that some of our classmates who joined us after their diploma were not able to join the convo, and lecturers were not there to take picture with us.

My birthday was blessed. There is no big party, no club dancing or hangovers, but simple family dinner. We went back to the restaurant that we used to dine a lot in the past, the boss didnt able to recognize us already haha. Cakes, red eggs, are always there for the birthday budaks in our family. Little things but cheering. Leong's way to embrace me.

That's all about the combos. I know life is short, so happiness is what to make it worth living. I love you guys, that gave positives impact (well sometimes negative too haha) to me from time to time. Lets see what future awaits me. Big plans to come!

May 11, 2013


Someone that once i thought would never exists, who had made butterflies in my stomach.

A mother of one, a lovely wife of a guy, pretty still.

Shall us be buried in the past, and leave it there forever.

Love, Tuck.

给葡萄一胜san的话 rf




有些事情也想让你知道的。我现在已经在KL打工,公司在bangsar那里。之前计划好去英国深造的事情延迟到明年去了。原因是因为有个突发而来的机会,和一个出名的architect 合作一些事务。很想专心得去把它做好,所以做了如此的决定。这也是为什么来到KL工作的原因之一。在这里也已经是上个月的事情了,虽然不知道你想不想听这些,但让你知道也好,哪怕有缘在KL遇见你,你也不会太惊讶。




May 10, 2013

不一样的朋友 rf




当你对我说你有了其他人,那可是晴天霹雳般惊人。你又说,是因为怕告知我了,会伤到我,亦自责。当下的我,除了沮丧、心碎、 也崩溃了。嘴巴依然说着没事,说自己不够好才得不到你。上天懂的,那是自欺欺人。连分手都迁就着你。






BEAR, 分手快乐。虽然一点也不快乐。


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